Sunday, March 20, 2011

I'm Not Singing Kumbaya or Anything, But I Do Like These 3 Health-Nutty Products

I promise, I'm not going to go all mother-nature on you (you do remember my assessment of hemp milk, right?). However, I have fallen in love with these health-nutty, all-natural products/ingredients. Tell me about your faves!


1. Kefir. An earth-mama-type pal of mind told me about kefir a while ago (pronounced "kee-fir," though I pronounce it decidedly wrong: "keh-fir"). It's a cultured milk product--kind of like drinkable yogurt--that is said to be loaded with probiotics. Lots of health experts sing the praises of kefir for its ability to boost your immune system and promote "overall wellness." I swear by it. I've been drinking Helios vanilla-flavored lowfat kefir like crazy these days. Try it! (But, watch the calories--they can add up.)

2. Tom's of Maine Apricot Deodorant. I asked you about whether you wear deodorant or not, and most of you said "yes!" I tend to like natural deodorants, but my big complaint has been that they just aren't that effective. Well, I found one that is--at least for me. I'm lovin' my Tom's of Maine deodorant, and the apricot scent is fab! P.S. I do wear regular deodorant when I work out--um, just in case you're nervous about joining me at the celebrity fitness boot camp I'm starting next week.

3. Garlic--raw. Fear not, I brush and swish before chatting it up with anyone, but I've been doing a lot of reading about the health benefits of garlic lately, which as you know is best if eaten raw, so I've been tossing a few little pieces (pieces, mind you, not whole cloves) in my mouth (raw!) while I cook these days (I always seem to be cooking with garlic, you too?). I also try to avoid over-cooking garlic by using the tip I learned from natural-health guru Andrew Weil, M.D.: Add garlic into dishes at the very end of cooking to preserve its health benefits. Garlic is believed to have natural antibiotic properties and may help the body fight off infections naturally--gotta love that!

P.S. Another thing I'm nuts about, which I told you about recently: agave nectar!

What health-nutty things are you kind of into these days?


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