Friday, March 4, 2011

Body Image: The Web Site to Share With Every Girl Who Struggles With How She Looks

Were you an "ugly duckling" growing up? Everyone goes through awkward, stages, right? Sixth grade was my year! Wouldn't you love to go back in time and tell yourself what a beautiful, confident woman you'd grow up to be and to never mind the acne, the braces or the poodle haircut. Wait until you check out this new Web site that's making girls everywhere feel better about their so-called ugly duckling years ...

I am crazy about the new blog co-written by my friend and writer Melissa Walker. It's called "Before You Were Hot," and it chronicles all the awkward teenage/elementary school photos of women (and guys too!), and then the big reveals: when they're all grown-up and "hot." The blogger's tagline: "Because every swan was once an ugly duckling." I think it's such a great reminder to girls and teens that almost everyone goes through an awkward stage of like.

Don't you just want to send this to every pre-teen in your life right now?!

Here are a couple before and after pics:

Kaitlin before:

Kaitlin all grown up:

Carolyn before:

Carolyn all grown up:

Were you an ugly duckling? What was your most awkward year in school?


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