Tuesday, March 29, 2011

One Minute Pause for Holiday Peace

This time of year almost all of us get lost in the rush. A gift-giving, Christmas-shopping frenzy takes over and if we’re not careful we get sucked into the maddness. The result is anxiety, flaring tempers and frazzled nerves. A f ew quick tips can help to step out of the rushing river of Christmas folly and onto the river bank of calm.

1) Stop one minute and breathe: Schedule a moment during the day to stop. You may need to set an alarm or a timer to remind you. At the designated time, regardless of where you are, move inside. This is a conscious, gentle move to bring the focus inward. Check-in with how you feel. Take a deep breath and relax the muscles in the neck and jaws. On the exhale release the tensions. On the inhale pay attention to other areas that need to relax and let the tension flow out with the out breath. Move to focus on the right side of the body, at the level of the spiritual heart. Imagine a white light buring here and a flower blossom opening. A radiant glow begins to fill your entire being from the inside out. When you’re ready return to your normal activities. The glow and calm will continue to follow you throughout the day.

Monday, March 28, 2011

4 Ways To Make Your Resolutions Stick

Shortly after Thanksgiving while anticipating Christmas, we begin to percolate New Year’s resolutions, priming ourselves to make them happen. As we spend money on gifts, food, decorations and fashion while we eat mucho calories, we are eager for that fresh start, the new beginning. Yet predictably a couple of weeks into January, for many of us the momentum slows to a screeching halt. What can we do differently this year? According to researcher Julia Bayuk from the University of Delaware, many of us are focusing on the detailed plan, the how to achieve these goals, instead of the loose, more abstract why do I want to achieve this goal?

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Swine Flu: What Would It Take for You to Start Wearing a Surgical Mask?

It's hard to know just how bad swine flu might get. Health officials can speculate--but really, no one knows. In the meantime, people are talking about face masks, and whether we should start wearing them out at the grocery store, the gym, etc. Hysteria or a good idea? (And, P.S. there is rumored to be a mask shortage in some places in the U.S. right now...)


We've all seen news footage by now of people in Mexico City wearing surgical masks to protect themselves from contracting the swine flu. Government workers have been passing them out in the streets, and now street vendors are even selling them (which leads some to believe that there may be surgical mask shortage).

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Speak Up: What Was Your Most Confident Age?

Can you pinpoint a time in your life--specifically an age in your life--when you felt most confident. Maybe it was 18, when you had so much opportunity ahead. Maybe 25, when you actually started kicking butt in your career. Or maybe it's right now. Find out what one recent survey had to say about age and confidence (hint: it's kind of surprising) ...

According to a survey conducted by British researchers, women's confidence peaks between the ages of 18 and 30. Then, expect a roller coaster ride of highs and lows in the 30s, followed by a peak at 40 and then, well (according to the survey, at least), it's all down hill at 44. In fact, the survey states that women felt life was basically "over" at 44.

Sex Question: Why Do I Have Cramps After Sex?

Dear Dr. H,

I'm 28 years old and don't have children. It's been almost a year now since I started to feel a cramp after having sex with my husband, particularly after having sex doggy style. The symptom lasts about an hour. Recently, I experienced a really severe stomach cramp and it lasted almost two days. I'm still not fully recovered and have trouble walking and going to the bathroom. Are these symptoms of an STD or UTI, or something else?

Read on for Dr. Hilda Hutcherson's response.

A. These are not symptoms of a UTI. The most common explanations for this kind of pain during or immediately after intercourse are fibroids, pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis or an ovarian cyst. But there could be other causes, too, like having sex, especially vigorous sex, when you are about to ovulate; this can occur because the ovaries are quite sensitive at that time. The point is, generally when you get a cramping pain, there is something physical going on and you definitely need to go see a gynecologist.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

I'm Not Singing Kumbaya or Anything, But I Do Like These 3 Health-Nutty Products

I promise, I'm not going to go all mother-nature on you (you do remember my assessment of hemp milk, right?). However, I have fallen in love with these health-nutty, all-natural products/ingredients. Tell me about your faves!


1. Kefir. An earth-mama-type pal of mind told me about kefir a while ago (pronounced "kee-fir," though I pronounce it decidedly wrong: "keh-fir"). It's a cultured milk product--kind of like drinkable yogurt--that is said to be loaded with probiotics. Lots of health experts sing the praises of kefir for its ability to boost your immune system and promote "overall wellness." I swear by it. I've been drinking Helios vanilla-flavored lowfat kefir like crazy these days. Try it! (But, watch the calories--they can add up.)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Healthy Reminder: Do You Work at a Desk? Then, Take 5 Minutes Today and Do This!

Good morning, my dears! Let's start this week off right with a little tip that will make your office space a bit healthier ...

When's the last time you cleaned your desk? I'm not referring to a lengthy organizational project (who has time for that, right?). Rather, when's the last time you took everything off the surface of your desk and wiped it down with a good disinfecting cleaner, or just good old fashioned soap and warm water?

I've interviewed so many germ experts for articles over the years that one important piece of information has practically become engraved in my conscious, and that is this: Desk surfaces are among the dirtiest places you will ever encounter. Shockingly, research has found that they may be even more contaminated than toilet seats. Yowza.

Has Anyone Ever Called You Fat? Let's Talk About The Meghan McCain Drama

Have you been following the GOP cat fight? The in-fighting that's been going on in the Republican Party just got personal when conservative radio commentator Laura Ingraham called Meghan McCain "plus-sized." What does Meghan's weight have to do with politics? Nothing. And that's why I'm fuming...


After taking the weight blows, she defended herself--and her body--on "The View" yesterday. Here's what she had to say:

"Everyone from Tyra Banks to Oprah [Winfrey] to Hillary Clinton to my mother -- why are we so obsessed with weight?" Meghan McCain said Monday on ABC's "The View." "That's what I feel like right now, I'm like 'Kiss my fat a--.'"

Monday, March 14, 2011

Germs at the Gym: Be Honest, Do You Clean the Machines or Skip It?

Let's face it, disinfecting and wiping down exercise equipment before and after use can be a real drag. In fact, it might leave you feeling like you do more cleaning than exercising at the gym! (Side note: wouldn't it be nice if the gym provided staff to do this for us?) But, with growing concerns about the bacteria and viruses lurking on your favorite weight machines and exercise equipment, that spray bottle and towel may be your best friend. Here's why ...

If you're ever feeling like skipping the wipe-down before stepping onto the treadmill, don't, says germ expert Elizabeth Scott, PhD., co-director of the Center for Hygiene and Health in Home and Community at Simmons College in Boston. "Wherever people are using common equipment with hand and body contact, there is a transfer of germs." She's a big fan of cleaning gym equipment before and after use, showering before using the pool, and bringing your own mat to yoga class.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Diet Alert! This New Movie Is Going to Make You Really Hungry

Have you guys seen the new move Julia & Julia? I can't wait! Funny thing, though, every single person I've talked to who has seen the movie has the strangest warning. This flick, they say, will make you want to drive home and eat ...


Weird, right? OK, so many not plain butter (gross, but some people actually have strange addictions to eating plain butter--true story!), but I hear that Julia Child, played by Meryl Streep, talks about butter so much in the movie that you will be helpless to resist making some sort of butter concoction when you get home. (P.S. Check out Meryl Streep's piece in this issue of Glamour about roast chicken!)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Celebs Reveal Their Teeny Tiny Waist Measurements!

We already know that stars are skinnier in real life because the camera adds 10 pounds. But which actress wears 22-inch jeans? After the jump, we'll play guess that celeb's waist measurement...

I wasn't sure I read that right. Who on earth has a 22-inch waist that isn't a small child? Transformers star Megan Fox publicly revealed that her 22-inch waist measurement is due to "an immense amount of Pilates." Yesterday, Jezebel scanned an article from the latest issue of US Weekly that estimates jean sizes for four celebs. (Scroll down towards the end of the post to see it.) Other stars getting the measuring-tape treatment include Kelly Ripa (24"), Lauren Conrad (26") and Scarlett Johansson (27"). I'm not sure how they came up with these numbers, but I would have liked to see some real-person sizes represented. Are you telling me there are zero female celebs whose jeans are closer to a size 30"?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Breakfast at Your Desk: Gluten-Free Banana Muffins

I know we have some gluten-free gals reading this blog, so I wanted to share a tasty-looking recipe from a food blogger for gluten-free banana muffins (she says they are so amazing!) ...

Weird fact about me: I'm not sensitive to gluten, but I (oddly) love gluten-free food! I tried chocolate chip cookies made with rice flour a while back and was instantly smitten! I loved the texture! And when I saw this recipe for banana-nut muffins made with rice flour, I thought, hmm, that could be good (not to mention the fact that it might be a nice little breakfast for any of you Vitamin G readers who have gluten sensitivities!).

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Breakfast at Your Desk: A Cute Heart-Shaped Breakfast for Two

I know, it's not Valentine's Day yet, and I realize that the holiday makes some people want to gag, but I get sort of giddy this time of the year. And I love surprising my husband and kids with little heart-shaped things. Check out these cute Cupid-approved breakfast ideas ...

I love the idea of doing a heart-shaped design with strawberries on a plate, or those cute French-toast strawberry-heart cut-outs--both ideas I found over on the blog Sweet Life. (This reminds me of the cute things my mom used to make for my siblings and I for Valentine's Day. She always made the holiday so special for us! We always knew we were loved!)

Friday, March 4, 2011

Body Image: The Web Site to Share With Every Girl Who Struggles With How She Looks

Were you an "ugly duckling" growing up? Everyone goes through awkward, stages, right? Sixth grade was my year! Wouldn't you love to go back in time and tell yourself what a beautiful, confident woman you'd grow up to be and to never mind the acne, the braces or the poodle haircut. Wait until you check out this new Web site that's making girls everywhere feel better about their so-called ugly duckling years ...

I am crazy about the new blog co-written by my friend and writer Melissa Walker. It's called "Before You Were Hot," and it chronicles all the awkward teenage/elementary school photos of women (and guys too!), and then the big reveals: when they're all grown-up and "hot." The blogger's tagline: "Because every swan was once an ugly duckling." I think it's such a great reminder to girls and teens that almost everyone goes through an awkward stage of like.

Are You a Sneeze Snob?

You know when you're in a public place--like at Starbucks--and the person in front of you lets out a humongous sneeze ... in your air space: Do you flash her a dirty look and try your hardest not to breathe the air around you for the next few seconds. Or do you just shrug it off?


I would like to officially fess up: I am a sneeze snob. A horribly snobby one. Recently, in the fact, while I was at thedentist's office, a woman was sneezing and sniffling and rubbing her nose and eyes--she looked miserable. After the 39th sneeze (or so it seemed) in my general direction, I looked up and gave her the glance (you know, the "don't you be sending any of those germs my way" look). I envisioned that I'd be spending the next week nursing a sore throat and runny nose, and that my babies would get sick too. For a moment, I was very angry at this woman. Very angry.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

7 Holiday Movies That Always Cheer Me Up (What's On Your List?)

One thing you have to know about me (if you don't already): I'm a sucker for old movies, especially old holiday movies (my mom and sister and I watch Bing Crosby's "White Christmas" every single year! And when I snuggle up on the couch with a cup of (low-fat) eggnog in hand, I feel so happy! Join me in a moment of cheesieness. What are your favorite holiday flicks? Here's my list ...

On my list:

1. White Christmas

2. Holiday Inn

3. Christmas in Connecticut

4. Charlie Brown Christmas

5. Frosty the Snowman (don't laugh)

6. Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer (hey, no laughing!!)

7. It's a Wonderful Life (still makes me cry, every single time--especially the scene at the end when they're all singing "Auld Lang Syne")