Monday, August 15, 2011

What Holiday Food Makes You Weak in the Knees?

I've been doing a lot of writing about holiday foods these days (check back here on Vitamin G this week and next for some fabulous holiday eating tips--coming soon!) and suddenly it's turned me into the Cookie Monster of holiday food. I swear, I could subsist on a diet of turkey, sweet potatoes and cranberries, with a slice of pumpkin pie thrown in for good measure. So I wondered, what holiday food gets you a little ga-ga?


Pecan pie (or any pie with whipped cream for that matter)? Turkey with gravy? Mashed potatoes? Stuffing (I love this stuff--even better when it's my mom's cornbread stuffing)? Eggnog?

Yes, you can answer "all of the above."

And, tune back in to VG soon to hear some valuable tips on how to navigate the holiday buffet table. For now, be sure to click over to this Glamour piece (in case you missed it) about the good-for-you fall foods to gobble up without guilt.


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