Sunday, April 8, 2012

Wellcome Trust Announces Medical Humanities Funding

Across the pond, Giskin Day brings word of funding specifically targeted for the medical humanities via the fabulous Wellcome Trust. Here is some basic information:

The Medical Humanities can be described as the 'exploration and explanation of human experience with respect to medicine and health' and involves the application to medical education and medical practice of a multidisciplinary field of humanities.

The Wellcome Trust is keen to support research in the field of medical humanities to explore the human experience of medicine, offering perceptions on medicine from beyond the world of science. The Wellcome Trust expects applications to be multidisciplinary drawing on the disciplines from the humanities such as philosophy, literature studies, history, religion, social sciences, law and the arts (theatre, film and visual arts).

While applications may include aspects of ethics and/or history, they must involve humanities beyond these disciplines, and should not be proposals that would be eligible for funding under Biomedical Ethics or History of Medicine.

Strategic Awards provide flexible forms of support to facilitate research and/or training that is not possible under existing schemes. The aim is to add value to excellent research groups.

'Added value' may be demonstrated in a number of ways, for example:

capacity building in specific fields through training of research students or fellows

development and establishment of new areas of research

thematic and/or interdisciplinary research collaborations

advancement of specific strategic areas.

The deadline for preliminary applications is December 1, and more details are available here. Alas, alack, applicants must be based either in the U.K. or in the Republic of Ireland. Jealousy, thy name is Daniel.


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