Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Secrets You Reveal In Bed

Even if you don’t talk in your sleep, you’re still saying something in bed – because your favorite sleeping position reveals secrets about how you see yourself and the world around you. “Observational studies on thousands of subjects, indicates that our personal sleep positions translate into a silent body language that offers real clues into our personality,” confirms Samuel Dunkell, M.D. director of New York’s Insomnia Medical Services and author of Sleep Positions: Night Language of the Body.

Find your most frequent sleep position and uncover your personality strength.


Surveys show most high-level managers sleep on their stomach – and with good reason. “Stomach-sleepers tend to be grounded, organized, perfectionists who like to stay in control of their activities,” says Dr. Dunkell. That’s why, whether you’re sprawled on the bed or hugging a pillow to your chest, you sleep best when you’re in full, face-to-face contact with the bed – your activity of the moment. With a strong will and solid character, once you set your mind to something, it’s as good as done.


If you’re most comfortable sleeping on your side, you’re not alone; it’s Americans’ most popular position. “This is a middle-of-the road, see-every-side, adaptable position favored by people who are naturally flexible and able to compromise,” says Dunkell. No wonder you’re the one your friends look to for balanced advice. Open-minded and willing to listen, you gather all the information before making a decision – and this see-the-big-picture attitude means you adapt to trying situations with ease.


Sleep researchers say we all switch positions at least twice during the night – but if you’re on the move constantly, you’ve likely got energy to burn. You’re restless and that’s why you jump into projects with whole hearted enthusiasm; although you sometimes burn out before the job is done, that’s okay. You’ve given it your all. Eager to try new things, whether it’s exotic food, a new friendship, even a late in life change in career your boundless energy keeps you moving forward.


People who favor the classic fetal position – with knees pulled up to the chest and chin tucked down – tend to be introspective, compassionate and idealistic romantics,” says Dr. Dunkell. Whether you’re rescuing a stray puppy, or giving a friend a hug when she’s down, your idealism makes the world a better place for you, and everyone in your orbit.


A survey found that most Hollywood celebrities sleep on their backs – and it’s not surprising. “This position is typical of those who rate highest for self-esteem; the typical back sleeper is outgoing, optimistic and shines in the limelight,” says Dr. Dunkell. Though you may not be famous, you’re secure enough to chase your dreams with gusto. Even in your sleep, you face outward toward the world.

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