Sunday, January 29, 2012

Young people most at risk for radiation cancer

Thyroid cancer for sure. Leukemia, probably. Too much radiation can raise the risk of developing cancer years down the road, scientists agree, and the young are most vulnerable. But just how much or how long an exposure is risky is not clear.

Those are among the unknowns scientists are contemplating as the crisis unfolds at Japan’s stricken nuclear power plant.

In Japan, the Science Ministry said radiation levels about 30 kilometres northwest of the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant rose at one point Friday to 0.15 millisieverts per hour, about the amount absorbed in a chest X-ray. But levels have been fluctuating, and radiation at most sites that distance from the facility have been far below that.

Sulfonylureas and its Description

Type of Drug:

Oral antidiabetic agents for use only as an adjunct to diet and exercise in the management of type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus.

How the Sulfonylureas Works:

The sulfonylurea hypoglycemic agents appear to decrease blood sugar by stimulating the release of insulin from the pancreas. Sulfonylureas may also decrease the amount of sugar that is dumped into the blood from the liver and may increase the sensitivity of fat and muscle tissue to the action of insulin. By increasing the amount of insulin or The effectiveness of insulin, blood sugar levels are lowered. Sulfonylureas do not work in type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus in which the pancreas is not capable of manufacturing or releasing insulin.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Secrets You Reveal In Bed

Even if you don’t talk in your sleep, you’re still saying something in bed – because your favorite sleeping position reveals secrets about how you see yourself and the world around you. “Observational studies on thousands of subjects, indicates that our personal sleep positions translate into a silent body language that offers real clues into our personality,” confirms Samuel Dunkell, M.D. director of New York’s Insomnia Medical Services and author of Sleep Positions: Night Language of the Body.

Find your most frequent sleep position and uncover your personality strength.


Surveys show most high-level managers sleep on their stomach – and with good reason. “Stomach-sleepers tend to be grounded, organized, perfectionists who like to stay in control of their activities,” says Dr. Dunkell. That’s why, whether you’re sprawled on the bed or hugging a pillow to your chest, you sleep best when you’re in full, face-to-face contact with the bed – your activity of the moment. With a strong will and solid character, once you set your mind to something, it’s as good as done.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Bringing health care right to your door

A knock on the door can be a cause of concern for many elderly people living alone. But in Milton, it can be the welcome signal that Julie Cordasco is paying a visit.

A veteran registered nurse, Cordasco is part of a new provincial program that aims to bring health services right to the door of seniors, offering checkups in the comfort of their own homes.

Under the trial, Cordasco works two half-days a week as Milton's first Aging at Home visiting nurse. Her mission is to bring health care to seniors over 80 who are not physically mobile or cannot get transportation to visit Milton's Family Health Team clinic, where Cordasco works.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Seniors Largely Spared of Swine Flu

MIAMI -- Seniors who for years have made flu shots a fall ritual are being sent to the end of the line for the swine flu vaccine. And the reason -- their age group seems to have a bit of immunity -- appears to have warded off most potential grumbling.

"I don't worry about getting it," said 89-year-old Robert Goodman, a Boca Raton retiree. "At this age, who the hell cares? You take it as it comes."

Across Florida, a retirement dreamland that is home to about 3.2 million people 65 and older, seniors who are typically plagued by nearly any spreadable illness are just happy they appear to have been given a reprieve from the new flu virus that has run rampant through schools, colleges and campsites.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Errors of Refraction – Treatment Options Available for Curing it Fast - Diseases Treatment - Symptoms, Causes and Cure for Diseases on A to Z

The way that light from objects is focused through the eye into an image on the retina is called refraction. In a normal eye, the point where the light focuses is exactly at the retina, and it is this precise focusing that assures that a clear image is seen. In some eyes, however, the eye focuses the light either behind or in front of the retina, so that the image is blurred.The four most common disorders of refraction are nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hypermetropia), astigmatism and presbyopia. Any of these disorders can be present in one or both eyes.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Vitamin A and Vitamin B Drug Information

Content in the table above is given per serving of capsule, tablet, or teaspoon (5 milliliters). Products containing the greatest amount of Vitamin B 1 are listed first.

Type of Drug:

Vitamin combinations.


Dietary supplement

Guidelines for Use:

Dosage will be individualized.

Do not exceed the recommended dose, unless advised to do so by your doctor.

Most people on regular diets do not need vitamin supplements.

Sotre at controlled room temperature (59 degree to 86 degree F). Protect from moisture.



Vitamin 8 Combinations

Brand Name Examples








Neurodep-Caps Capsules

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

More Reasons to Quit Smoking

Above and beyond being the obvious cause of heart disease, stroke and lung cancer, the reasons for quitting cigarette smoking are becoming even clearer. There are many health conditions that have been directly linked over the past few years to cigarette smoking. If you smoke or have someone in your family who does, you should make sure that they're aware of these other important reasons to quit - among the most prominent being that it will be more difficult to get a life insurance quote or policy. Reading this may just be the kick in the pants they need to stop harming themselves and those around them.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

When Are Healthy Foods Not So Healthy?

It's no secret that healthy foods are the key to a healthy body. So we diligently study nutrition labels as we walk through the grocery story and we stock up on low-fat, low-sodium, and low-calorie foods. We're always counting calories and trying to eat high-protein foods. But are we fooling ourselves? Would we be just as healthy chowing down on an ice cream sundae? Maybe...

You probably feel very proud of yourself when, after a good workout, you try to replenish your system with a handful of trail mix, a protein bar or some whole-grain crackers. But you may not know that just one serving of trail mix has the same number of calories as four bite-sized Snickers bars. A high-protein Carb Solutions Chocolate Fudge Almond bar has 230 calories -- the same amount as a bag of M&Ms. And those reduced-fat Wheat Thins with 11 grams of whole grain per serving? Nearly 300 milligrams of sodium -- more sodium than one serving of Original Fritos Corn Chips.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Health-care workers to get broader powers

Ontario is about to move ahead with plans to allow pharmacists, nurse practitioners and other health-care professionals to provide some services now performed by doctors, Premier Dalton McGuinty says.

Pharmacists would, for instance, be able to extend prescription refills, one of a series of moves aimed at easing long waits for health care, said McGuinty.

The necessary legislative changes will be made "very soon," he said.

"Our government plans to better utilize your skills and maximize your contributions," McGuinty told the annual general meeting of the Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario in Markham. "Families seeking health care will experience the difference."

Wednesday, January 4, 2012



Generic Name: immune globulin (subcutaneous) (im MYOON GLOB yoo lin (sub koo TANE ee us))

Brand Names: Hizentra, Vivaglobin

What is Hizentra?

Hizentra (immune globulin) is a sterilized solution made from human plasma. It contains the antibodies to help your body protect itself against infection from various diseases.

Hizentra subcutaneous (for injection under the skin) is a prescription treatment used for replacement therapy in patients with primary humoral immunodeficiency.

Hizentra may also be used for other purposes not listed in this medication guide.

Important information about Hizentra

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Perimenopause and Weight Gain in Women

I have an acquaintance – I’ll call her Erika – who was, frankly, a trophy wife. Now she is nearing 50, but you would never know it. Erika used to dance professionally, so she is used to long workouts and little food. If you offer her a cracker, she’ll say, “I’m watching my figure so others will.” She does Pilates as well as running and cycling, and she added kickboxing to her schedule because she thinks the instructors are cute.

Money is not an issue, so Erika has the best in skin care, hair care, Botox injections, spa vacations, and of course, fabulous clothes. She has very little body fat, so – as many celebrities do – she gets injections in her cheeks to keep her face from looking too gaunt.