Monday, May 30, 2011

No-Diet Tip 2: Six Steps to Success

On your lifetime no-diet plan you follow a nutritionally wise eating plan to enable yourself to progressively lose weight until you level off at your desired weight. You won't have to change your diet at that point because you will have already changed and stabilized it.

The following are common but tested techniques that you can work into your no-diet plan to support a lifestyle change in your eating habits:

1. Get rid of fattening foods such as cakes, cookies, potato chips, and other non-essential snack or dessert items, and then don't restock them.

2. Drop one fattening component from your diet each month. Pick the most fattening first (ice cream or cake, for example).

3. Moderate your eating routine with essential nutrients without excess calories. (Discuss with your doctor foods you can safely eliminate and how much fat you should consume.)

4. Use substitutions. London broil, chicken, or your favorite fish may substitute for marbled beef. Low or no-fat sherbet may substitute for regular ice cream. Munch on an apple instead of chocolate chip cookies.

5. Make a written diet contract with a friend who wants to both lose weight and keep it off. In the contract spell out how you will lose the weight as well as your desired outcome. Then, check in with your friend weekly to report progress.

6. Savor your food in small bites. Chew slowly. By slowing down your eating tempo, you are likely to enjoy your food more. Slow paced eating tends to cut consumption.


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