Thursday, December 29, 2011

Benefits of Thyroid Hormones

Type of Drug:

Thyroid hormones.

How the Thyroid Hormones Works:

The natural thyroid hormone products (eg, desiccated thyroid and ) are obtained from beef and pork. They are economical, but standardization of iodine content is difficult. The synthetic products, including love thyroxin, Lithuanian and liotrix are generally preferred due to more uniform potency.

Thyroid hormones increase the metabolic rate of body tissues. This involves many varied functions such as oxygen use, respiratory rate, body temperature, heart rate, metabolism of foods, enzyme activity and growth and development of the skeletal and nervous system. Thyroid hormones influence every organ system of the body.

Monday, December 26, 2011

British Dentists Might Have To Ration Fillings, Crowns, Etc.

DENTAL NEWS: Despite the stereotype that the British have bad teeth, better dental care -- especially among seniors -- is likely to lead to a shortage of items used by British dentists in the treatment of cavities, tooth erosion and root canals.

The British Dental Association's (BDA) scientific adviser Professor Damien Walmsley says that the demand for dental supplies that were originally designed only to be used for 20 years could exhaust resources in the British government-run system of dental care in the near future.

BDA research has found that fewer than a third of the over-65s in England currently have their own teeth, but within 20 years that is likely to increase to about 50% of them.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Little Things Go a Long Way in Controlling Diabetes

Seven years ago, doctors told Joe Crump he had diabetes.

He figured the diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes meant he'd have to take a pill and lay off sweets. After all, he felt fine.

"It's hard to respect something that doesn't hurt you," says Crump, 61. "I didn't need to go to the emergency room."

That was until he suffered a minor heart attack in 2007, his second. And simple cuts morphed into wounds that took weeks to heal. And he was diagnosed with cataracts. And his feet and ankles went numb.

That's when he got scared and started listening to a certified diabetes educator who gave him a road map to navigating a disease that affects more than 23 million Americans.

Shake It Up: Healthy Reasons to Lay Off the Salt

Whether you're young, old, fat, thin, ill or healthy, you're probably eating more salt than you should.

The recommended daily allowance of sodium for an average person's diet is about 2,300 milligrams -- equal to about a teaspoon of table salt.

But most Americans eat about 6,000 to 10,000 milligrams per day, said Cassie Wrich, a registered dietitian at Hillcrest Exercise and Lifestyle Program. And a recent report from the Center for Science in the Public Interest shows that you may be eating that much sodium in a single meal, if you're not careful about what you order at popular chain restaurants.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Sickle-Cell Anemia - Curing Sickle-Cell Anemia - Diseases Treatment - Symptoms, Causes and Cure for Diseases on A to Z

Sickle-Cell Anemia - How to Cope up with Sickle-Cell Anemia?

In the inherited disease called sickle-cell anemia, the red blood cells contain an abnormal hemoglobin, called hemoglobin S. If you have this disease, you have no normal hemoglobin in your red blood cells, because you have inherited a sickle-cell gene from each of your parents. This condition must be distinguished from sickle-cell trait, in which you inherit only one sickle-cell gene from one parent. Then you have red cells that contain half normal hemoglobin and half hemoglobin S, and your health is not impaired. In addition to hemolysis, or premature destruction of red blood cells, hemoglobin S causes red cells of persons with sickle-cell anemia to become deformed in shape, or "sickled," especially in parts of the body where the amount of oxygen is relatively low. These abnormal blood cells do not flow smoothly through the capillaries, or smaller blood vessels. They may clog the vessels, and prevent blood from reaching the tissues. This blockage causes anoxia, or lack of oxygen, which makes the sickling worse. Attacks of this kind are called sickle-cell "crises." They can be very painful.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

How to Fall Asleep When You Feel Unable to

For a person who has gone through a normal day, packed with its ups and downs, joys and frustrations, lack of sleep will only act to add insult to injury. In case you are experiencing this problem then it is important for you to use the different tips and methods that are available. You can simply look at a couple of tips and choose one which you feel like you are comfortable with. Buy Ambien at Discounted Price
How to fall asleep
How to fall asleep
The number one reason for people not being able to sleep is that they do not go to bed at a time which is reasonable so they cannot sleep. You will find teens awake past midnight and going to sleep at 3 to 4 am. This is not good. Here are a few ways that you can use to be able to go to sleep. Hopefully they will work for you.
Things You’ll Need…
  • A bed
  • A reasonable bed time
  • Soft music